They wanted to get what they wanted to hear and they knew that someone being tortured will say whatever-the-hell their torturers want to hear.
They knew the clap-trap about Saddam being big buddies with Osama and having something to do with 9/11 wasn't true. I'm pretty sure they knew that Saddam wasn't capable of what they said he was capable of doing to us; what they said he was going to do. They just needed a reason to invade and occupy Iraq. They should all (including Junior) still be held accountable for the crimes they have committed with out blood and treasure and in our names.
I'm not sure the U.S. has gotten away with protecting some of the worst international criminals in our history from even the slightest accountability for their crimes.. Just take a look at our economy. Yes, most of it is the fault of our own big bankers, but BuCheney were highly successful in making even our longest-term allies not give a hoot what happened to us as long as the damage to them was as minimal as possible.
Nice Work Creating New Terrorists, You Morons
American civilian and military leaders have been creating new terrorists through their:
(1) Use of tortureTorture
(2) Killing of innocent civilians- especially children - in Arabic countries.
A high-level American Special Ops interrogator says that information obtained from torture is unreliable, and that torture just creates more terrorists. Indeed, he says that torture of innocent Iraqis by Americans is the main reason that foreign fighters started fighting against Americans in Iraq in the first place.
A former FBI interrogator -- who interrogated Al Qaeda suspects -- says categorically that torture does not help collect intelligence. On the other hand he says that torture actually turns people into terrorists.
A 30-year veteran of CIA’s operations directorate who rose to the most senior managerial ranks, says:
Former counter-terrorism czar Richard A. Clarke says that America's indefinite detention without trial and abuse of prisoners is a leading Al Qaeda recruiting tool."This is not just because the old hands overwhelmingly believe that torture doesn’t work — it doesn’t — but also because they know that torture creates more terrorists and fosters more acts of terror than it could possibly neutralize.”
A former U.S. interrogator and counterintelligence agent, and Afghanistan veteran said,
Torture puts our troops in danger, torture makes our troops less safe, torture creates terrorists. It’s used so widely as a propaganda tool now in Afghanistan. All too often, detainees have pamphlets on them, depicting what happened at Guantanamo.The Senate Armed Services Committee unanimously found:
Two professors of political science have demonstrated that torture increases, rather than decreases, terrorism."The administration’s policies concerning [torture] and the resulting controversies ... strengthened the hand of our enemies."
Killing of Innocent Civilians
The former number 2 counter-terrorism expert at the State Department says that military attacks in Iraq increase terrorism.
Indeed, Al Qaeda wasn't even in Iraq until the U.S. invaded that country.
After the U.S. military allegedly handcuffed and then killed a bunch of Afghan kids, thousands of Afghans are protesting the brutal killings, chanting 'Death to America!'.
Nice work creating new terrorists, you morons.
Anyone who thinks this is a partisan issue should read this and this.
In related news, not only are the U.S. government's actions creating more terrorists, but "reforms" made to the intelligence agencies have made it MORE DIFFICULT to stop the terrorists they've created.
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